Time to Unplug

(Nature Trail at Destiny Farm Resort www.littlearth.in)

The risk of being a total digital freak is that you lose human contact or even worse - lose contact with the earth. Is this a serious problem, you might want to ask? Technology de-addiction centers have mushroomed in places like Delhi and Bangalore. Every parent’s nightmare is watching their kid eating dinner with his favourite cartoon playing on the Tab. Thanks a lot technology! As a human race, we’ve managed to mess up the planet a notch further. Before you can all say that the end is near, there is a way out: Unplug!

Not just for a few minutes or an hour, you need to unplug for a few days. Easier said than done, right? Pack your rug sack for the weekend and take off to the hill-side. Wander where the Wifi gets weaker. That’s where you will find a better connection: Mother Nature at her best.
(Nature Trail at Cintacor Island Resort www.cintacorislandresort.com )

Go to a place so remote, away from the city and town. Travel through the winding roads, through the forest’s rocky and muddy tracks. Get out of your comfort zone
(Nature Trail at Destiny Farm Resort www.littlearth.in)

Don’t drive, just walk. Get addicted to hill-climbing. Apart from breathing in the pristine air of the hill-side, climbing or trekking up-hill is no doubt the best cardio work out the doctor had ordered a long time ago. Of course, this comes with an additional plus point: A view to die for !
(Hill-climbing at Destiny Farm Resort www.littlearth.in)


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